Muckleborough Collection
Posted by Ben | Posted on 13:20
I think guns are awesome. If you do too, then go to the Muckleborough Collection. WWI and II tanks! Guns! Model maps! What more could you want? The first room had this really big model army camp from WWII, with planes on strings and all,and then there was a larger room full of knives, ranks, and guns. Also some model ships. Then it got really good when we reached the tanks. British, American, Soviet and German tanks, transport vehicles, and WWII ambulances. There was also some very very big Field Guns and Artillery. Anti-Air guns, and a WWII blitz spotlight. My favourite part was OBVIOUSLY the tanks and the gift shop. Ha ha. I bought a bullet on a chain, AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T GET A SINGLE ICE CREAM! I still enjoyed it though! I still think that they should have put some modern guns and rifles in there too. That would be good. Also there was this really big long room stuffed full of model ships. There was this really big oil rig model with helis and people and everything. Also a giant air-craft carrier and a ship called the HMS Furious. It sure looked furious...FACTOID...Ever wondered what HMS stands for? It means "Her Majesty's Ship". Pictures: Model planes!
Very big gun.
Blitz Spotlight