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This is my new lego magazine. I got it today and it has all sorts of stuff to do with lego: lego Bionicle, lego Technic, lego Power Miners (new), lego city, Indiana Jones, cool creations (they are things that people have made with lego), lego Pirates, Star Wars, lego Racers, and finaly, news about LEGOLAND (not the game)!
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Spider Ride

Boating School

Helicopter Ride and Space Tower Ride

Driving School
These are all from the Legoland game.
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This is the Space Tower Restaurant, the top (where you sit) spins round and round, and there are lifts going up to the top. I think they should sell space food in here!

This is the Space Tower Ride, it has four bits that go up to the top and down again about five times. Each bit that goes up to the top has two seats on it.

This is the Spider Ride, it spins round and round and round quite fast and it's the shape of a spider. It also has fences around the edges and a gap so people can get in.

This is the Lego Restaurant, it has all sorts of food inside: burgers, ice cream (my favorite), sausages, sandwitches, desserts and more.

Finaly, the helicopter ride. What it does is it has an entrance and an exit, a tunnel where the helicopters come out and the helicopters go along the metal bar and go all the way round twice.
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I like this solar system because the planets glow in the dark. My favourite planet is Saturn, because it has rings going around it.

This my Lego Technic Excavator, it took me two weeks to build! It is my favourite Lego thing I have. When you turn the cog at the back, the arm moves.

These are the books I read, my favorite is the STAR WARS 2009 annual.

These are my fish (the other one is hiding). They are cold water fish called Snow (the one you can see) and Flame; they are very excitable sometimes.
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Yesterday, I went to my friends party at Laser Force. I shot many people, and I got hit about 15 times. I had to wear a heavy thing like armour on my shoulders. My highest score was 5347 I think. After that, I went back to my friends house for some food. I had a great time.